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Cotlands hosts AGM and Brent Lindeque

There was a 33% improvement in school readiness scores across Cotlands’ programmes over the past year.

Cotlands announced the successful conclusion of its 80th AGM, held virtually on September 10.

The AGM was marked by powerful discussions on transformation, resilience, and a renewed focus on impact, with highlights including a fireside chat with Brent Lindeque, keynote addresses by Marcelle Arnold (chairperson, and a presentation of the CEO report from Nozizwe Dladla-Qwabe, Cotlands acting CEO.

Fireside chat with Brent Lindeque

The AGM featured an inspiring fireside chat with Brent Lindeque, famously known as the ‘Good Things Guy,’ who shared uplifting stories of ordinary citizens making extraordinary differences in their communities.

Lindeque highlighted the value of focusing on positive news and the power of good deeds to create meaningful change. He also discussed the role of constructive journalism, encouraging a balance in how we tell stories and emphasising the good happening around us. His message resonated deeply with Cotlands’ mission of impacting the lives of young children by increasing access to early learning opportunities.

Chairperson’s report

Marcelle Arnold, the Cotlands chairperson, reflected on a transformative year for the organisation. Key milestones included the secondment of Cotlands’ CEO Monica Stach to lead the Cotlands Social Enterprise (CSE), a strategic decision to create a sustainable model for community impact.

Arnold also emphasised the importance of fostering leadership from within through a rotational CEO programme, ultimately appointing Dladla-Qwabe as the acting CEO.

Arnold acknowledged the challenges posed by the economic landscape but underscored Cotlands’ resilience and adaptability in securing financial stability, thanks to strategic grants and partnerships.

CEO report

In the CEO report, Dladla-Qwabe celebrated Cotlands’ achievements over the past year, notably a 33% improvement in school readiness scores across their programmes.

She also praised the leadership team’s growth and adaptability through the rotational CEO experience, strengthening their management skills. Dladla-Qwabe addressed challenges such as navigating government regulations for early learning playgroups and the unsuccessful bid for the United States Agency for International Development grant while reaffirming the organisation’s commitment to advocacy and innovation.

New board appointments

The AGM also welcomed the appointment of new board members, who will play a pivotal role in guiding Cotlands through the coming year:

• Fareda Franks;

• Adrian Moodley;

• Nthabiseng Moraka;

• Kefilwe Mokwena;

• Matthew Arthur-Gray.

Cotlands bid a heartfelt farewell to outgoing board members Niven Postma, Tatiana Page and Motseki Majake, whose tenures have ended. A special thanks went to Theodore de Jager for his contributions over the past three years, especially in strengthening the organisation’s governance.

Looking forward

As Cotlands looks ahead to FY2025, its priorities include expanding toy libraries and early learning playgroups, developing Cotlands Social Enterprise, and continuing to advocate for early learning opportunities across SA.

The board reaffirmed its commitment to driving innovation, improving governance and ensuring Cotlands continues to make a lasting impact in the lives of children and their communities.

To watch the chat with Lindeque and learn more about Cotlands’ impact, go to www.cotlands.org/annual_reports

The 2024 Integrated Report is available to view online.

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