Top July winning images

Southern Suburbs Camera Club announces their July winners.

Senior club photographer and local resident Joey James captured the winning image of a hyena pup near Assail in Southern Kruger National Park.

“The hyena cubs were playing with their mom when this inquisitive, little pup came over to investigate our vehicle,” she added.

Joey, an avid wildlife and nature enthusiast, is well-known for her outstanding wildlife imagery and it’s no surprise that this beautifully detailed and emotive low-key image was selected by the July panel of judges, Robbie Aspeling, Dr Ben Botha and Cynthia Uren as the best senior image of the evening.

Versatile photographer Antonio Ferreira’s image, Sitting on the cliff edge, was captured while on a hiking trail in the Giant’s Castle area in the Drakensberg Mountains.

Quick to action, Tony mounted his camera onto a Manfrotto tripod and shot off this winning image. He added, “I spotted a troop of baboons feeding along the edge of the cliff. As usual, among them were some inquisitive youngsters who briefly interrupted their activities to follow my movements.

Sitting on the cliff’s edge: photographer Antonio Ferreira shot on a Canon EOS 50D with 50-500mm f4-6.3 lens.

“Their curiosity provided me with the opportunity to quickly take a few images of them before resuming my hike through these beautiful mountains that they get to call home.”

Certificate of merit awards were presented to the following photographers for their excellent images: Kobus Yssel, Val Valentin, Rose Fowler, Joey James, Antonio Ferreira, Cynthia Uren, Nelson Lopes, Don Brotherson, Rodney Cory and Natasha Bird.

Southern Suburbs Camera Club is an amateur photography social club based at Glenvista Country Club. Their meeting are held on the second Thursday evening of every month. Guests are always welcome.

Contact the chairperson Anneke Preto on 084 406 4990 should you require more information or visit

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