The Be Selfless Foundation honours Madiba’s legacy

In honour and celebration of Madiba's remarkable life and enduring legacy, The Be Selfless Foundation called to action 67 minutes of service on International Mandela Day at Rewlatch Primary School.

In honour and celebration of Madiba’s remarkable life and enduring legacy, The Be Selfless Foundation called to action 67 minutes of service on International Mandela Day at Rewlatch Primary School.

The Be Selfless Foundation facilitated the handover of the Princess D LOANI Menstrual Cup.

Proud Princess D LOANI brand ambassadors, Naseera Turkey and Sandra da Mata, were steadfast in honouring Madiba’s legacy by launching an initiative that is very close to their hearts. They have worked hard to raise funds to provide 67 Princess D LOANI Menstrual Cup combo packs to 67 young girls.

This initiative is about more than just distributing menstrual cups. It’s also about empowering these young girls with the dignity, confidence, and freedom they need to pursue their education without interruption.

Turkey and Da Mata said: “Menstrual health should never be a barrier to education. When girls have access to safe, sustainable menstrual products, they are empowered to attend school consistently and participate fully in their education.”

Together with their team of supporters, Turkey and Da Mata wanted to ensure that the young girls (Grade Five and Grade Six) were blessed with the resources they needed to stay in school and achieve their dreams.

Princess D LOANI brand ambassadors, Sandra da Mata and Naseera Turkey.

In addition to this, Grade Four learners were spoilt with a dental hamper donated by family dentist Dr Faheema Ismail who also shared some advice on overall hygiene and wellness.

Nelson Mandela once said: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
By providing these menstrual cups, this dedicated team of volunteers were not only addressing a practical need, but they are also supporting these girls’ right to education and their potential to shape a better future.

“We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to this initiative. A special thank you to principal Arlene Steyn and Teacher Raeesa Safi,” said Turkey and Da Mata.

Board executive of the foundation, Naseera Turkey further added: “As we distributed these 67 combo packs, let us remember that each small action we take can create a ripple effect of positive change. Let’s honour Mandela’s legacy by continuing to uplift and empower those around us.”

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