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Door of Hope and Frances Vorweg School continue to transform lives

The children's lives are expected to be significantly impacted by the organisation and school.

Door of Hope and Frances Vorwerg School are making headlines again with their unwavering commitment to transforming the lives of abandoned children.

Earlier this year, Mr D, a child from Door of Hope, became the first to attend a real school. His journey has been marked by growth in self-sufficiency, confidence, and communication skills.

Hannah Thompson, head of special needs at Door of Hope, has been a driving force behind this initiative. “Seeing the remarkable progress in Mr D, I knew that other children in our care would equally benefit from attending school,” she shared.

As the new term begins, Frances Vorweg School has welcomed two more children from Door of Hope, Mr Q and Mr K. Both four-year-old boys have unique backgrounds; Mr Q was brought to Door of Hope at birth, while Mr K arrived at two years. Mr Q and Mr K are children with cerebral palsy.

A heartfelt collaboration

The excitement is palpable as Mr D, Mr K, and Mr Q embark on their educational journeys together.

The learners are excited about going to school. Photo: Hannah Thompson

“It is a wonderful thing to see them get in the car, all excited for school,” said a representative from Door of Hope.
“They will learn to integrate, communicate, and play with other children. We cannot stress enough how important it is for all our children to learn that there is more to life than the children’s home.”

Hannah Thompson’s vision and dedication had been pivotal in recognising the potential in these boys and advocating for their right to education. Her efforts, combined with the generosity of Frances Vorwerg School, have made a profound impact.

“We are immensely grateful to the school for accommodating these children and providing them with an opportunity to thrive,” added Thompson.

“Their commitment to inclusivity and education is truly commendable.”

A brighter future

As Mr D, Mr Q, and Mr K begin this new chapter, the hope is that their story will inspire others to support and invest in the education of children in need.

The collaboration between Door of Hope and Frances Vorwerg School is a powerful reminder of the difference that can be made when communities come together with a shared purpose.

For more information about Door of Hope and how you can support their mission contact Kathy Groome at kathy@doorofhope.co.za

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