City Parks boost by-laws to tackle illegal tree-felling

In all instances, residents and businesses must contact the JCPZ for help.

Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo (JCPZ), the custodians of street trees and public open spaces in Joburg, has taken a tough stance to curb the illegal removal and felling of street trees.

As a deterrent, JCPZ has put in place a new set of penalties and fines and will work closely with enforcement agencies and the municipal courts to ensure non-complying residents and businesses are held accountable for illegally removing, setting alight, or pruning street trees and fallen leaves.

The city’s tree canopy is particularly at risk over the winter and autumn months when there is a surge in reports of illegal felling and requests to remove trees.

These requests are often related to falling leaves obstructing pools and drainage systems, blocking sunlight and solar systems or, in the case of businesses, obstructing entrance points or advertising signage.

Residents are urged to be extra conscious of the high value and importance of fallen leaves and trees and should cover their pools, bag fallen leaves for collection, or use the leaves for composting.

Street trees are the property of the City of Johannesburg, and strict street tree by-laws protect them, prohibiting the removal or disturbance of trees. In all instances, residents and businesses must contact the JCPZ for assistance.
The by-laws state: “No person may damage any tree on any public road within the municipal area of the council and that only JCPZ is authorised to remove, maintain and prune street trees”.

In line with the city’s by-laws, it warns residents that it will apply punitive for removing street trees. The size, species, age, location, health, and tree’s heritage value will determine the fines. These fines can vary from a few thousand rands up to R327 000 per tree based on the new measures to stem illegal felling.

Johannesburg remains one of the most densely populated cities globally, with high levels of urbanisation. Therefore, the critical presence of trees, acting as natural air filters and bolstering residents’ health, is vital. The city’s tree canopy plays a crucial role in combating and reducing the effects of climate change. They promote a sense of tranquillity and beauty to boost social, economic, environmental and health benefits.

Jenny Moodley, the JCPZ spokesperson, said removing healthy trees has far-reaching implications on food security and has the potential to harm birdlife, plants, and the city’s already threatened biodiversity. Green lungs are critical in improving the well-being and health of city dwellers.

“City Parks urges residents and communities to refrain from illegally removing and felling trees, and as we reach the end of World Environment Month, celebrated annually in June, we must rather plant trees,” she said.

Illegal tree removals and requests to prune or fell trees must be reported to the JCPZ on 011 712 6600/17 or to Joburg Connect on 011 375 5555 or

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