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Help ‘Hellen Working in the Community’ feed animals in need

Hellen and her team are passionate about helping the animals in the community live a quality life.

Hellen White (69) cares for approximately 200 dogs and cats in the Johannesburg south area.

She always had a love for animals since she was a tiny tot and has always seen the needs of animals in her community and assisted wherever she could.

Her introduction to rescuing animals happened in 2008. A lady in her neighbourhood, who had been following a few malnourished dogs in Turffontein, reached out for help for the animals.

“These dogs lived in the back of a house that had no gate. They were incredibly thin and the lady had started feeding them every week. We were then asked to assist with puppies that were living just down the road from the two malnourished dogs she had found. Taking the pups into the local SPCA, I enquired about the programme they had in place called Project Rita, which helped underprivileged people sterilise their dogs,” said Hellen.

Hellen offered to bring in 10 dogs from the same neighbourhood if the Johannesburg SPCA would assist her.

“The owner of the puppies promptly found a further 10 dogs for sterilisation and I was assisted by two inspectors in helping to catch the females to have them sterilised,” added Hellen.

They soon got known by the locals and began to receive increasingly more pleas for assistance. Word spread from one area to the other and she soon found herself running all over to assist all the needy animals in the area.

“Eventually I started working in the Bellavista council housing community, where my first aim was to sterilise as many animals as I could to curb the ever-growing animal population.”

Hellen spends her days, especially Mondays, going to the poorer areas to feed, sterilise, inoculate and collect animals who need veterinary care.

She retired in 2020 having been employed at Wits for 25 years and funds are dwindling slowly.

Additionally, Hellen currently feeds the 200 dogs and cats with her pension.

“When I was working it was much easier but now that I am retired it is difficult and I had to reduce the dog food from 6kg bags to 5kg bags because I cannot afford it anymore,” she said.

A charity shop for funds

Hellen and her team run a charity shop in Haddon to generate funds to feed the animals. The charity shop was operational for eight years before closing for two years but reopened in February.

They also rely on donations such as books, clothing, DVDs and cutlery which they sell at the charity shop.

‘Hellen Working in the Community’ as she is known, is fortunate enough to have sponsors who contribute monthly. She is also a beneficiary for Tails and Whiskers in Edenvale and is reliant on public donations.

Helping those who cannot speak

“Naturena Extension and Bellavista council housing members that are unemployed, depend on my assistance for their pets. I use approximately 1 000kg dry and wet food a week, supply blankets and kennels and top up feed every week,” highlighted Hellen.

Help Hellen to help those animals in need by donating to Hellen Working in the Community, FNB Parktown, account number 62444806444 and branch code 250455.

For more information, contact 082 412 3491 or email hmwhite@mweb.co.za.

You can also visit the charity shop located at 34 Bellavista Road, Haddon, Shop No 2.

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