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Mondeor resident Qunicy Jacobs shares his story of addiction

His story is one of hope for many dealing with addiction, and the organisation aims to be a place of safety for many in the community.

Qunicy Jacobs, one of three children, born and bred in Ennerdale and currently living in Mondeor, south of Johannesburg, shares his story of addiction to where he is now as a testimony of hope.

The dangers of seeking affirmation

Growing up, Quincy had a good childhood and emphasised how much he enjoyed it. Like many of those living in a township looking for affirmation, Quincy started drinking and smoking weed, but he described it as ‘nothing too hectic’.

Lucious and Quincy Jacobs.

His real introduction to drugs came in 2000 while studying at Damelin. “I dabbled in ecstasy and other party drugs.”

His addiction began to cost him too much. He could only study for one year and the year thereafter he dropped out because he didn’t do too well.

“After my introduction, I started using harder drugs, and before I knew I became addicted,” emphasised Quincy.
What started as a functioning addiction for a while resulted in Quincy becoming homeless.

“Suddenly, everything blew out of proportion and I found myself on the street. I lived on the street for close to 10 years, pushing and scratching in dustbins,” he added.

No longer enslaved to addiction

Quincy’s second chance at a better life and freedom from addiction came when one day he got very sick and prayed.

Qunicy Jacobs during his struggle with addiction.

“I come from a family of believers and I knew that day when I got sick, I must pray,” he highlighted.

“God gave me another chance; an ambulance fetched me and I was admitted to hospital. I remember my mother coming to see me. I left to go home with her and after that, I didn’t do substances again.”

Quincy has been clean for eight years and a few months and the main things that helped keep him clean were going to Bible school, being active in the church and his tiredness of being dirty and being looked down upon.

“When people see you in addiction or as a hobo, many of them don’t know where you come from; they don’t know you are educated or that you come from a good home. They have this perception that maybe you have always been an addict, and that is not the truth. I was tired of people looking at me that way,” said Quincy.

After his second year of being clean, Quincy started working with people struggling with addiction.

In 2017, Quincy gave his heart to the Lord, and that’s when he met his wife, Lucious Jacobs.

“When we met, we weren’t romantically involved. She wasn’t interested in me because, I think, she thought I was playing the fool. After all, people often become clean for a few months and then relapse,” highlighted Quincy.

Lucious added: “We started dating in 2019 and in February 2020 we tied the knot. During Covid, we discussed that Quincy should start doing something for himself instead of always helping other organisations.”

Unrestricted Favour

From that discussion, the NPC Unrestricted Favour was birthed.

The Unrestricted Favour team.

“The initial idea was to register the organisation and start a rehab, but God had other plans,” said Quincy.

“Instead of starting a rehab, I became involved in helping other organisations. I believe you can never appreciate what you have unless you have toiled for other people’s vision.”

After starting Unrestricted Favour, Quincy and Lucious opened a support group where they had sessions once a week, mentoring and counselling people.

At the time, they lived in South Hills and Quincy spoke to the councillor for assistance. The councillor introduced him to Booysens SAPS and whenever the police officers would go out and talk about addiction and drug awareness, he would go with them.

Unrestricted Favour was a part of this operation for one year when things took a different turn for the organisation. The principal of Randeor School contacted Quincy asking for assistance with a learner at the school.

“We intervened and assisted the boy,” said the couple.

Quincy then got involved with Randeor School hosting assembly talks about addiction and bringing awareness to the learners. Soon after, Lucious joined him and they grew their team to five members.

Qunicy Jacobs eight years ago.

To expand and have a greater impact, Unrestricted Favour got involved with Futura Primary School.

“Many of the learners who start at Futura go over to Randeor, so I thought it would be a good idea to form a relationship with the learners at both schools because when they go to high school, they are still in touch with us.

“This long-term relationship will make our voice relevant and can help block out the outside voices, pushing out the narrative of gangsterism and addiction,” highlighted Quincy.

“I think part of everything that led me down the path of addiction was when I was young, I was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and that is why it is so strange that I work with these types of learners now,” he added.

Quincy is grateful for the opportunity to work with learners in these Severe Intellectual Disability (SID) schools because he can relate to the learners.

Besides school visits in the Gauteng province, interventions and counselling sessions and support groups, the organisation also offers assistance with rehabilitation placements, and drug awareness workshops and they do missionary work.

They are passionate about winning souls for Christ and helping addicts. The purpose of the organisation is to deal with the core social ills affecting many communities and society through the spreading of the good news of the gospel.

“It has been a journey and, at times, it has been scary because of financial reasons but we believe God is faithful and provides,” emphasised the founders.

To get involved with the organisation or for more information contact 082 687 7199 or 067 062 9418 or email quincyjacobs777@gmail.com

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