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WATCH: Mother Theresa of the south, Eliza Baker died

Elize lived for the poor and destitute.

In a moving memorial service for Elize Baker (58), Pastor Morné de Beer described her as a generous and loving person who left a legacy.

The Christway Religious and Social Services owner passed away on May 9 and a memorial service was held on May 17 in Turffontein.

She was well known in the south with her white van delivering love, food, blankets and mainly generosity in the people of the south. Scores of people attended the memorial service with the hall at Christway Religious and Social Services overflowing.

Believers Care Society programme manager Alexander Iheme passed his condolences.

From her family

“Elize was a force of love and faith, drawing people in with her unwavering strength and kindness. She wasn’t just a friend; she was a beacon of hope, someone who turned closed doors into new opportunities and knocked down walls to create paths for others.

Believers Care Society programme manager Alexander Iheme (white T-shirt) with his learners outside the hall. Photo: Lukcy Thusi

“To us, she wasn’t just a mother; she was the embodiment of selflessness, earning the title ‘Mother Theresa of the South’ through her tireless service to the poor and destitute.

“Her humility was astounding, never seeking recognition for her countless acts of compassion. Whether it was tending to the needy, running soup kitchens, or caring for those often forgotten by society, she treated everyone like family. Her heart overflowed with love, extending not only to humans but also to animals and plants, each one cherished in her eyes.

Pastor Morné de Beer during the memorial service. Photo: Lukcy Thusi

“Yet amid her boundless love, she was human too, with quirks and fears like anyone else. She dreaded other people’s driving, a small detail that added depth to her character.

“As we struggle to encapsulate her entire life in these words, we realise the enormity of her impact. We yearn for others to feel the weight of her absence as we do, to understand the magnitude of her life and the depth of her loss. But the truth is, no words can fully convey the essence of who she was and what she meant to us.

“All we can hope for is that her life, her love, and her legacy will continue to resonate in the hearts of those who were touched by her presence.”

People of the South attended the memorial service in numbers. Photograph: Lucky Thusi

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