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JMPD unveils alarming drunk driving statistics

JMPD's fight against drunk driving hits a peak in 2023. With record prosecutions and a firm focus on road safety, the city grapples with the ongoing challenge.

JMPD continues its steadfast campaign against the scourge of drunk driving. As the city grapples with the persistent threat posed by intoxicated motorists, newly released data from 2023 shed light on the magnitude of the challenge and the urgent need for sustained action.

According to JMPD spokesperson Superintendent Xolani Fihla, a record number of drunk driving cases were identified and prosecuted in 2023.

“The department has used a variety of enforcement techniques, including Evidentiary Breath Alcohol Testing (EBAT) and blood draws, to hold criminals accountable for their acts,” said Fihla.

The statistics for JMPD drunk driving cases in 2023 are concerning:

• Evidentiary Breath Alcohol Testing (EBAT) Breathalyser Cases: 991 cases were identified, and all offenders were prosecuted

• Blood drawn cases: A total of 6 828 cases were documented, leading to 1 229 prosecutions. However, 5 599 cases are still pending

• Total for all cases: A total of 7 819 cases highlight the seriousness of the matter.

“Drunk driving not only violates traffic laws but also poses a significant threat to public safety. The consequences of such actions on individuals and society cannot be taken lightly.”

JMPD emphasizes the following key points:

• Promoting road safety: Ensuring the safety of all road users is paramount. Driving under the influence undermines this goal and endangers numerous lives

• Risks of driving under the influence: Alcohol impairs judgment, coordination, and reaction time, leading to a higher risk of accidents and fatalities. Driving drunk is irresponsible and criminal behaviour that cannot be condoned

• Impact of criminal record: Offenders caught driving under the influence face legal repercussions and the lasting consequences of having a criminal record. This can affect future job prospects, travel opportunities, and personal reputation.

“We urge individuals to prioritise road safety, make responsible decisions, and refrain from behaviours that jeopardise their safety and the safety of others,” said Fihla.

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