Mecayla Cross shot 16 times in broad daylight in Chrisville

Chrisville mourns the loss of Mecayla Cross, a 25-year-old aspiring police officer and loving mother, who was ruthlessly shot 16 times, with the final blow to her head.

Tragedy struck the streets of Chrisville, Johannesburg, when Mecayla Cross (25) fell victim to a senseless act of violence on February 2.

Shot 16 times, with a fatal blow to her head, Mecayla succumbed to her injuries despite valiant efforts to save her life at the hospital. The incident has left her family, friends and community in a state of shock and mourning.

Mecayla, a mother to a three-year-old daughter, was just a few blocks away from her home when she was attacked.

Family’s pain

According to her aunt, Nicole Manuel, Mecayla had stepped out to buy refreshments when she encountered a friend and was caught in a hail of bullets.

“The motive behind the shooting remains unclear, leaving us grappling with unanswered questions and a profound sense of loss.

Community of Chrisville honours the late Mecayla Cross through a candle-lighting ceremony.

“Mecayla was a vibrant and ambitious individual with dreams of becoming a police officer. She lived each day with determination, driven by her love for her daughter.

“This sudden and violent end to her life has left us shattered and the community reeling,” said Manuel.

Gruesome act

The councillor of the ward, Rashieda Landis, expressed disbelief at the nature of the crime, emphasizing that such incidents were unprecedented in Chrisville, particularly in daylight.

“This tragic event serves as a grim reminder of the escalating violence plaguing neighbourhoods, robbing them of promising futures and leaving families devastated in its wake.”

Southern Courier spoke to an eyewitness who wants to remain anonymous and described how the initial gunshot echoed through the air, prompting them to go outside. Peering out, they saw the disturbing scene unfold as the gun malfunctioned, causing the bullets to audibly cascade. The eyewitness, unaware the victim was Micayla, lamented his inability to distinguish the assailants’ faces.

Expressing disbelief and emotional pain, the witness emphasized the heartlessness of the act. The haunting memories of that day linger, accompanied by a regret not to have been able to intervene and prevent the tragic outcome.

As Mecayla’s loved ones prepare to lay her to rest on February 10, they are overwhelmed by grief and disbelief at the senseless loss of a young life filled with promise. Her daughter, too young to comprehend the magnitude of her loss, struggles to come to terms with the absence of her mother, robbed of the chance to grow up together.

“Sadly, Mecayla’s untimely death is not an isolated incident in the area. Just last week, another individual fell victim to violence in the same vicinity when he was stabbed. I urge community action and collaboration to address the underlying issues fuelling these crimes,” said Landis.

Booysens SAPS communications officer Captain Lorraine van Emmerik said investigations are underway.

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