A day of unity and community involvement at Suideroord

Suideroord Community celebrated unity, environment, and neighbourly love with a feast of flavors on October 1.

The Suideroord community gathered in their local park to commemorate unity, growth and their commitment to both the environment and each other at the Suideroord community fun day on October 1.

The event was a success, emphasising the beauty of the area and the love residents hold for their surroundings, neighbours and even their taste buds. Themed ‘Setting our people up for success’, the fun day transformed the park into a vibrant hub of excitement and learning.

From dawn till dusk, the park echoed with laughter, activities and a strong sense of community spirit.
Ardele Fernandes, one of the community’s leaders, said families gathered for a day filled with a clean-up of the area and a fun get-together.

Jade and Kaiden Botha.

“A delightful highlight of the event was the culinary journey it offered. Attendees had the pleasure of indulging in a diverse range of flavours. And for those with a sweet tooth, an array of biscuits and snacks were readily available. The food offerings catered to every palate.

“The event also featured stalls showcasing makeup, jewellery and various local products. This provided a valuable platform for local entrepreneurs to exhibit their talents and connect with potential customers. It was a testament to the community’s support for local businesses and artisans.

“The fun day demonstrated the community’s steadfast dedication to staying connected, preserving their cherished area, and looking out for their neighbours.”

Charlene Senekal and Sir Winston.

Fernandes said as residents left the event, they carried not only smiles on their faces but also full stomachs, a bag of local treasures, and a sense of unity.

“The success of the event was made possible through the tireless efforts of volunteers and the support of the community. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who contributed to making this event a truly memorable one,” said Fernandes.

Nic van Tonder, Charl Kotze and Zak da Silva.
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