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JSPCA launches urgent search for mysterious lion in Oakdene

Residents are on high alert as reports of a possible lion sighting in Oakdene flood in. The JSPCA urges caution and provides crucial guidelines for public safety.

Johannesburg Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (JSPCA) has been inundated with phone calls regarding a possible lion or lioness sighting in the suburb of Oakdene.

While the JSPCA inspectors have been actively on the lookout for the reported feline, there have been no confirmed sightings as of yet.

Early October 2, concerned residents began reporting a mysterious big cat roaming the Oakdene area. The JSPCA promptly dispatched its inspectors to investigate the claims, but despite their efforts, no lion or lioness has been found so far. Later in the day, there were additional reports of the animal being sighted near The Glen shopping center, further escalating concerns among the community.

The JSPCA, as an organisation dedicated to the welfare of animals, takes any potential threat to both human and animal safety seriously. Consequently, they are urging the public to exercise caution and follow specific guidelines if they encounter the suspected lion or hear anything unusual.

PRO of JSPCA Liana Marx said, “We are not sure if it is true or not, but we are not taking chances.”

Here are some crucial steps the public should take if they come across the lion or lioness:

1. Do not approach: The JSPCA strongly advises against approaching the animal under any circumstances. Lions, as apex predators, can be highly dangerous when cornered or threatened.

2. Stay inside: If you are in the vicinity of the sighting, it is essential to seek safety indoors. Stay inside your home or any secure building until authorities provide further instructions.

3. Contact the JSPCA: To report the sighting or any related information, please call the JSPCA’s Duty Inspector at 083 604 1172. Providing accurate details can aid in the efforts to locate and safely handle the animal.

It’s important to note that the JSPCA is working closely with local law enforcement agencies to verify the accuracy of these reports and to ensure the safety of both residents and the suspected lion or lioness. While there is still uncertainty surrounding the sightings, the JSPCA remains committed to taking all necessary precautions.

The JSPCA is urging the community to remain vigilant, stay safe, and promptly report any additional information or sightings. With the combined efforts of local authorities and concerned citizens, the situation will be managed effectively, ensuring the welfare of both humans and the mysterious lion or lioness in question.

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