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Tinyiko of Kibler Park Secondary is appointed as junior station commander at Mondeor SAPS

The competition was held in the form of debate and public speaking where the participants were given a topic on how to prevent crime in schools.

Tinyiko Matlala (14) from the Kibler Park Secondary School won the title of junior station commander in the highly-anticipated Junior Commissioner Project competition hosted by the Mondeor SAPS.

The project aims to involve young people in the fight against crime. It provides an opportunity to invest in young people and is an empowerment tool for leadership, mentorship and ethical values.

It also aims to build resistance and resilience among young people to crime and violence affecting them in their communities.

The Grade Nnine learner said they met learners from various schools who participated in the competition.

The competition took place in the form of debate and public speaking, whereby participants received a topic on crime prevention in schools.

“They told us only four learners would be nominated, and to my surprise, I became the junior station commander at Mondeor. I learned about this competition from the school event coordinator.

“Although I learnt about the competition late, I managed to nail it. The same competition will be on June 30 against other stations within the district level.

“I always wanted to undertake such projects because I enjoy taking on leadership roles, and I believe that doing so will allow me to excel academically. I think the competition was intimidating. To win is an honour, and I intend to give it my all at the district level.

“This is exciting because it is something I would like to explore and see where it leads me because I believe it will provide me with direction for my future career.”

Tinyiko emphasised she wanted to use this position to foster a safe learning environment free of crime, violence, and abuse.

“I want learners to feel secure as if this is their second home. In the district-level competition, I want to show my competitors what a Kibler Park Secondary learner is capable of.

“I would like to thank the school for providing me with this opportunity. I believe I would not have been chosen if it had not been for them. They were extremely helpful.”

Tinyiko said she believes crime can be prevented by forming a joint unit of SAPS, the community and school learners.

“There should be a strong encouragement to learners that crime is wrong,” said Tinyiko.

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