Help South Rand Hospital find relatives

Should you know any of the deceased, immediately contact the hospital.

South Rand Hospital management needs your help to trace the relatives of the deceased at their premises.

The deceased are:

• Jimmy Mhlungu, born on April 17, 1958.

• Agrinete Ndawonde, born on August 30, 1968.

• Paulos Domingo, born on December 12, 1983.

• Mokete Morake, born on May 5, 1990.

• Richard Banda, born on September 11, 1947.

• Nicole Ngoyi, born on August 14, 1975.

• Sanele Gcabhashe, born on June 1, 1996.

• Piet Mkaza, born on January 1, 1968.

• Thomas Robot, born on August 4, 1970.

• Petros Linda, born on January 2, 1972.

• Frans Mabasa, born on August 4, 1963.

• Edward Mzumbuni, born on February 19, 1983.

• An unknown black male, born on January 1, 1996.

• David Sibanda, born on July 25, 2023.

• An unknown black male born on August 31, 2023.

Their addresses are unknown.

The hospital asks anyone with information to call Thato Hlagala on 011 681 2026 or Emmanuel Majola on 011 681 2030 during office hours.

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