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Basic tips to ease back into work after the holidays

The pressure of returning to work can be overwhelming so it is best to be prepared

As stated in a blog by the Allianz group, leaving your work for some time off at a stressful time can sometimes be a lifesaver, but most times the pressure doesn’t go away when you get back to work and the need for a holiday comes back stronger than ever.

Here are a few pointers to assist you in making a stress-free return to work, as well as prolonging the pleasurable feelings from your holiday.

To do before you leave for vacation
• Make a list of the items that need to be completed on your return, and properly delegate any tasks that need to be done whilst you are away.

• Ask your manager or team to send you an update the day before your return to work of items that you need to know or pick up when you are back in the office.

If it is possible, block out your diary for at least the morning of the day you return to work to give you a chance to settle back in and not need to rush into lots of meetings. If you haven’t had a chance to catch up, how will you be able to participate in those meetings?

• Finally, tidy up, at the office and home. Clear away papers and contracts that are finished or of no use. At home have a quick tidy, such as emptying the fridge of food that will go to waste, clearing up any mess and so on.

Coming home to an organised home and workplace will help keep you stress-free. Don’t throw yourself straight back into work when you return. Let yourself get back in the groove of things.

If you can, take an extra day or two off to run errands, do the washing, and get everything back to normal. This will also give your mind and body time to adjust to the changes in weather, time zone and pace.

The day before you go back to work
This is the best time to get organised and prepare for getting back to normal working life. Get everything ready for the next day. Get your breakfast in and try and make it healthy to help with your good mood. Get your clothes out, pack your work bag, and get an early night.

Ease yourself back into work
It is a good idea to get into the office a little early on your first day back to help you mitigate a workload avalanche. Make sure you check your diary for any new meetings that may have sneaked in without your knowledge too!

• Read your emails by conversation or sender, not in chronological order. It’s likely older emails have been sorted by someone else, plus you can delete junk emails in bulk this way.

• In your first weeks back make time for yourself. Take your lunch breaks and if you can, get out of the office. Leave work at a reasonable time and allow yourself to switch off at night.

• Also make plans for the first week or weekend back home. Keep enjoying yourself.

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