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Inland Historic Tour Finale: triumph for Alberton racers

The Zwartkops Raceway near Pretoria hosted this year’s final Historic and Inland Championship race, and saw all three Alberton racers bringing home phenomenal results.

The stage was set at the Red Star Raceway for the climactic conclusion of the 2023 Inland Historic Motor Racing Tour on November 4.

Alberton was brilliantly represented across various classes, which saw racers bringing back phenomenal results.
Meyersdal’s Rob van Aarle, a true veteran, chose to embrace the Historic Saloon Pursuit series in his beloved 1969 Ford Escort Mk1.

His final outing of the season was a masterpiece. In both heats, he notched a well-deserved second place in the series and a triumphant first place in Class.

Blane de Meilon “Brackendown Blitz” ready for the start of race one. Photo: Da Mhre

“Let’s talk about the ‘Brackendown Blitz’ Blane de Meilon. Despite battling mechanical setbacks in the previous round, Blane roared back with a vengeance. He conquered the Formula Libre class, securing a second place in Class D in the first race and a first place in the second race,” explained media liaison Stan Hattingh.

This impressive feat earned him the crown for Class D on that remarkable day. Formula Libre’s SuperVee class also felt the tremors of his triumph, as he snatched the third place for the day.

“And a round of applause for the rookie sensation, Bruce van Niekerk from Brackenhurst. In his debut racing season, Bruce achieved not one but two first-place finishes in Class E of the Formula Libre category, a magnificent achievement that beautifully capped off a remarkable year for the Omega ‘91 racing team,” Hattingh said.

Rob van Aarle in action in his 1969 Ford Escort Mk1. Photo: Da Mhre

He said their distinctive black and orange kit has left a mark on the Formula Libre scene this year.

Lending a helping hand

According to Hattingh, the day was not only about racing but a day filled with generosity too.

Team Omega ’91 crew and supporters watching the race from the pit wall. Photo: Da Mhre

“The Formula Libre initiative to collect food and goodies for the lovable residents of Kitty and Puppy Haven was a roaring success. We gathered a generous amount of dog and cat food and stuffed toys. We’re looking forward to continuing this tradition next year,” he said.

They expressed their heartfelt gratitude to everyone who made their motorsport dream possible.

Omega ’91 at full speed in race two. Photo: Da Mhre

“We thank the event organisers, marshals, maintenance crews, and emergency teams, who work tirelessly behind the scenes, and the dedicated organizing committees of the racing categories, collaborating with event organizers and fellow competitors to orchestrate these thrilling races. We’d also like to thank our invaluable individual sponsors and unwavering support crew who make it all happen,” said Hattingh.

He thanked their beloved families who stand firmly by their side, supporting and encouraging them to chase their dreams.

The Alberton duo of Blane de Meilon and Bruce van Niekerk heading out for qualifying in the Formula Libre category. Photo: Da Mhre.

“As we bid farewell to 2023, we extend our warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas to all and a heartfelt reminder to stay safe. We can’t wait to see you all back at the racetrack in 2024 for more thrilling adventures,” he said.

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