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Junior College Castillian celebrate Mandela Day with heartwarming drive

The school paid a visit to the clinics on Mandela Day to carry out kind acts and impact community.

In the spirit of Nelson Mandela’s legacy of compassion and community service, Junior Colleges Castillian embarked on a heart-warming Mandela Day drive on July 18.

They spread smiles and sandwiches to patients and staff at local clinics.

The event was a remarkable display of altruism and empathy, bringing hope and comfort to those in need.

Mandela Day, celebrated annually on the late South African leader Nelson Mandela’s birthday, has become a global call to action for people to devote 67 minutes of their time to make a positive impact in their communities.

Junior College Castillian took this call to heart and organised an extraordinary initiative that left a lasting impression on the local clinics.

Sandwiches made with love

Nelson Mandela once said: “It is in your hands to make a difference,” and the school exemplified this spirit wholeheartedly. The Mandela Day drive not only touched the lives of those at the clinics but also left a profound impact on everyone involved.

Many expressed that the experience made them appreciate the privileges they often took for granted and inspired them to continue engaging in acts of kindness and service.

Junior College Castillian has set an inspiring example for others, demonstrating that even the smallest acts of kindness can create ripples of positivity and leave an indelible mark on the lives of others.

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