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JDA celebrates 22 years of managing the city’s projects

The JDA has a role in the implementation of the Growth and Development Strategy of the City that responds to the Joburg 2040 ideals of resilience, livability, and sustainability.

The Johannesburg Development Agency (JDA) celebrated 22 years of managing the City of Johannesburg projects on April 1 and looks forward to working even harder to implement infrastructural developments, one of the most capital-intensive areas of municipal spending.

The JDA plays a role in the implementation of the Growth and Development Strategy of the City that responds to the Joburg 2040 ideals of resilience, liveability, and sustainability.

Established in 2001 at a critical moment in Johannesburg’s history as part of the iGoli 2002 re-engineering process, the JDA celebrates 22 years of managing capital expenditure projects. Below are a few milestones reached in its year 22 years of operation.


Gandhi Square East public environment upgrade

The JDA completed the Main Street public environment upgrade, turning the area into a high-quality environment and enhancing the pedestrian experience with wider sidewalks, pedestrian lighting, landscaping, and natural elements, and upgraded Portplein Park as part of the scope of works.

The Drieziek Public Transport Facility

The all-weather and aesthetically pleasing facility has 37 holding bays, 42 loading bays, 10 wash bays, private car parking, 22 trader stalls, ablution facilities and a public square for traders with a sitting area. Opened on December 10, 2022, the public can enjoy this facility and travel to their destinations safely.

Orchards Clinic

Opened by the Gauteng Health Department in September 2022, Orchards Clinic is a primary healthcare facility with 20 consulting rooms, emergency rooms, ante-natal, ARV and TB service facilities, a courtyard, office space and a parking area for staff and patients.

Oval Park and the Bertha Solomon Recreation Centre

As part of the Eastern Gateway Precinct master plan, the JDA built/upgraded Oval Park and the Bertha Solomon Recreation Centre. They engaged residents and other park users to design a safe, accessible, inclusive, and sustainable public space through participatory tools and methods. The project received a certificate of recognition for excellence at the Institute for the 2022 Landscape Architects for SA awards.

Lenasia Public Transport Facility

This facility opened last December and was part of the JDA’s turnkey projects identified for upgrades. The upgrades accommodate taxis, traders, pedestrians, and commuters in a safe, clean, and attractive environment that will enhance the functionality of the Lenasia CBD.

CEO on JDA’s future

Speaking about the JDA’s longevity and success, CEO Mokgema Mongane said there are two fundamental management approaches in the universe: a task-based approach, and a people-based approach.

“I believe in a delicate balance of longevity, resilience, tenacity and sustained success.”

The JDA plays a pivotal role in taking the city forward. Mongane’s goal is to fine-tune and optimise the delivery of infrastructure and development projects more efficiently.

“Essentially, the JDA plays a key role in providing infrastructure development for many client departments and other municipal entities in the City of Johannesburg. These include the Department of Development Planning, Human Settlement, Health, Public Safety, Transport, Community Development, Social Development and the Johannesburg Roads Agency.

“The infrastructure projects comprise transport-orientated developments, public environment upgrades, storm water and gravel road upgrades, clinics, fire stations, public transport facilities, Bus Rapid Transit infrastructure, multi-purpose centres, libraries, and shelter,’ said Mongane.

When asked what he will prioritise over the next year to ensure the success of the projects by the JDA, Mongane said the JDA’s immediate focus centres on its financial sustainability and initiatives – these include short- to long-term revenue enhancement activities.

JDA’S plan

Looking at the next five years, Mongane’s long-term goals for the JDA are:

Operational efficiency: to continuously improve/optimise core business processes, and deliver projects on time and within schedule and as per specified quality.

Capacity creation: to capacitate organisations with human resources, technology and the tools of the trade.

Revenue enhancement: to generate sufficient revenue for financial sustainability in the long run and expand and optimise client base.

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