
Babita Deokaran’s daughter still in mourning

Whistleblower Babita Deokaran’s daughter is still in mourning and wants justice.

Babita Deokaran was killed in a drive-by shooting outside her home only weeks after she called for an inquiry into R850m worth of suspicious payments made at Thembisa Hospital.

Babita Deokaran was gunned down outside her home.

Deokaran was a corruption whistle-blower within the Gauteng Department of Health, who was assassinated in a hit-style killing outside her southern Johannesburg home in August 2021.

The reports show that Deokaran openly expressed fears for her safety after requesting a detailed audit of the hospital’s buying patterns.

In her role as chief director of financial accounting, Deokaran had been a bulwark against irregular and dubious payments. Owing to her position, she was also in control of the evidentiary paper trail left by those who preyed on public funds, making her an invaluable asset to the Special Investigating Unit.

Her daughter is still mourning the death of her mother.

“It’s been a year, and I know everyone is saying, ‘Oh, the time has gone very slowly.

“A lot has changed for me and my family. We miss my mom. It has been a long year. I didn’t know at the time what she was really doing. I just thought she was a normal person going to work and who came back home,” Thiara said.

“The morning she dropped me off at school and when my uncle and cousin came to fetch me was so weird. Everyone was staring at me and I was so shocked. I don’t even remember it that well.

“I am the only child, so I was very spoilt, she was my best friend and she taught me about Bollywood movies, to bake and cook.”

Thiara said it’s not easy but time heals slowly. Her family is still in pain and hopes the mastermind behind her murder is found.

Her cousin, Rakesh Deokaran, said Thiara had the full support of the family to help her also focus on her studies.

“It has been a tough situation for me to deal with what happened to my mom. My family had to hold hands to support each other, especially when I had to write my exams under the difficult situation of losing my mother in such a manner.

Babita’s home.

“I am grateful that I managed to be focused under the difficult circumstances and made myself and my mother proud by passing Grade 10.”

Measures were put in place for Thiara to visit a psychologist because her mother’s killing it disturbed her badly.

“It’s a difficult situation for me to deal with as we want to get clarity and answers on what led to my mom’s death. I will now be spending Christmas without her. I miss my mother and don’t want her death to be in vain.”

Deokaran and three other courageous South Africans were honoured at an international Blueprint Whistleblowing Awards.

Deokaran was the recipient of a posthumous special recognition award at the 2021 prize-giving.

A group of ‘Bikers 4 Whistleblowers’ laid a wreath.

The awards were hosted by the global NPO, Blueprint for Free Speech, which focuses on research in and support for freedom of expression. Thiara received the award on behalf of her mother.

The accused for the murder of Deokaran will appear in court again on October 6.

ALSO READ: Babita Deokaran’s family still seek justice

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