Key things to remember when you buy your child their first car

The time is finally here. Your child is at the legal age of driving, and they’ve passed their license. All that is left is for them to own a car.

While some may not think buying your child a car is a good idea; it has benefits such as ensuring their safety and allowing them to have the freedom of going wherever they need to go without trouble.

And, buying your child their first car doesn’t mean you’re spoiling them. Instead, it can become a learning experience for them that helps them become more independent and responsible. 

But, before you go buying a car for your child, you have to consider the logistics as vehicles are expensive. You don’t want their first car to break your bank, as this won’t be their last car, but more of a vehicle they’ll be learning how to master their driving skills with. Once they grow older, they can buy themselves the vehicle of their dreams. 

Continue reading for tips and tricks to ensure you are ready for this purchase. 

Work out the finances first 

Finances play a major role in what you can or cannot buy. Work out the financial side of buying your child a car before you inform them.

Take a look at your finances and determine how you can go about this. If you have money that you have been saving for this purchase, you can use it to purchase their first car, but if you do not or it’s still not enough, you can apply for car finance online in South Africa.

Once you have the finances in order and have been pre-selected for financing, you can inform your child that you plan to buy them a car. To help teach them independence, you can make an arrangement that they need to repay you a portion of the money you’ll be repaying the lender. That way, it isn’t a “free gift”, and they also play their part. 

Speak to your child

As much as it is your money paying for this vehicle, you must talk to your child about the purchase. It will help you decide what they need and how much you should spend on your child’s first car.

As a parent, you may want to get the best first car, but your child may want a simple economy vehicle to get them from point A to point B.

So, don’t make this decision alone, rather include them and find the best way forward for both of you. There are many vehicles on the market that are suitable for young adults you can look into. These vehicles aren’t too small, but they are fun cars to drive yet safe and reliable.

So, take a look at some of these cars:

Don’t opt for a small car

Since you’re buying for a young adult, you may think small is the way to go. But buying a bigger car is more beneficial. Your child will be spending most of their time between campus, work, friends and home, so buying a small car with limited space can make things harder for them.

They’ll need cargo to transport their school bag, textbooks and any additional equipment they use, especially if they are into sports.

They will also need sufficient space so that they can safely travel with other passengers. This will also benefit them as they won’t have to worry about buying a bigger car in the future because they will already have one.

This will help them save money in the long run, and as a parent, you want to make things easier for them. 

Second-hand is the best option

A brand new vehicle has several advantages, such as the latest technology, safety features, and minimum repair. But, as appealing as those benefits are, it still doesn’t excuse the vehicle’s price, especially since this is your child’s first car.

Your child needs to learn responsibility, and with a second-hand car, they can do just that and buy a brand new vehicle once they’re ready. Second-hand cars also come in good condition, with the latest technology and some may still have a warranty while also helping you save on the cost of buying an additional car.

Again, this lets them get used to owning a vehicle and being responsible. Once they are old enough and can stand on their own feet, they can get their brand new first car on finance. If you decide to go the second-hand route, make sure you test drive the vehicle to see if it is good quality and a safe option for your child. 

Choose the right insurance

Insurance is one of the most important things to get when you purchase a car. And, while comprehensive insurance is compulsory for a vehicle that is being financed, it is always important to keep that in mind when you are done with your monthly repayments.

Make sure you keep the comprehensive cover to ensure that your child is safe and secure whenever they are on the road. This will also give you peace of mind that the vehicle is insured should anything happen. Once they have their own job, they can take over the premium of the insurance. 

Consider car features 

Car features are helpful, especially for new drivers. This will help your child, and yourself, feel safe when they’re on the road, and make things easier for them.

For example: 

Depending on your financial situation, buying a brand new vehicle may come in handy when it comes to ensuring your child has the best safety features.

However, many second-hand vehicles have safety features; you’ll just need to be patient until you find one that meets your needs.

Final thoughts 

Finding the right car for your child won’t be easy, and as a parent, there may never be a car that puts your mind at ease.

With the latest technology and financing options available for you, you can find the right car for your child and ensure that they are safe, and have the freedom to go wherever they need to go without you being around.

Buying your child their first car is a big moment and should be one filled with happiness, so take these tips and let the car buying journey begin!

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