Gauteng Department of Social Development recognises long-service employees

The total number of qualifying staff for the financial years 2021-21 was calculated at 258 employees.

Gauteng Department of Social Development annually holds awards to recognise long-serving employees in the public service.

This is according to the Public Service Coordinating Bargaining Council Resolution, which makes provision for recognition of a long-service ceremony.

These are men and women that have dedicated 10, 20, 30 or 40 years of continuous and consistent satisfactory service. Long-service employees are from all five regions in Gauteng and play a key role in ensuring the department responds to issues on the ground.

Employees recognised were overjoyed. The longest-serving public service employee stated on podium that she’s served from a young age and today she feels honoured.

This year the department recognised 161 employees with 10 years of service, 68 employees with 20 years of service, 26 employees with 30 years of service and three employees with 40 years of service. The total number of qualifying staff for the financial years 2021-21 was calculated at 258 employees.

Social development MEC Morakane Mosupyoe emphasised that the Growing Gauteng Together 2030 Plan and The National Development Plan must be at the centre of its programmes and performance.

“This is so we can move towards a national democratic society. As we work together to hasten development in our province, let us adopt the attitude of the East Asian countries and see ourselves as civil servants, thus agents of change.”

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