Nkosi’s Haven needs help

“We don’t get government funding, we just exist on donations."

Nkosi’s Haven is a long-term care centre for HIV-infected mothers and children, and Aids orphans. 

Founder Gail Johnson explained things are not looking good for the centre and they may even have to shut down.

 “We don’t get government funding, we just exist on donations. During lockdown our problems just kept piling up and people who wanted to donate were unable to come to the centre,” she said. 

Their running cost is about R480 000 a month and they are struggling to meet their needs and to pay the salaries of their employees. 

“From a suburban community we get product donations like clothes and food and private companies assist where they can. Social services also refers people to come to our centre,” said Johnson. 

Financially, many things have changed at Nkosi’s Haven.

Apart from the fact that donations are sporadic, transporting their caretakers to and from work has also become an issue due to the cost.

“Covid-19 made things much worse and the only thing we got through the lockdown was a sanitising tunnel.

“We have put our residents in isolation and changed our caregivers’ shifts. To protect our care workers and children we took care of the care workers’ transport to minimise the possibility of them contracting the virus and bring it to our vulnerable children.

“We have about 102 children and 65 mothers who are at the centre. 

“At this stage, we are in dire need of financial assistance and donations of products used at Nkosi’s Haven,” said Johnson.

For more information contact Gail Johnson on 082 593 1999.

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