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South Hills resident in dire need of assistance after fire outbreak

The mother of two who has resided in Millwood Court for 29 years, appeals to the community for any assistance after her place was in a blaze.

Jenny Gouws, is left with no electricity and a very low water supply after her home caught fire recently.

The mother of two, who has resided in Millwood Court for 29 years, appeals to the community for any assistance.
Not only is she left devastated, but she has suffered a great loss due to the fire which she suspects was caused by a cigarette which was still alight.

Gouws lost her couches, curtains, appliances, accessories, a few of her clothes among many other things.

“My son was sitting on a couch smoking. I’m not sure if he fell asleep or not, but I went to bed and when I woke up I saw the flames. I called out for help and luckily we managed to get one couch out through the back door. My son also had to break one window open in order to get out of the place,” she said.

The damaged place.

The terrified resident told the COURIER that the fire left her with a traumatic experience.

“The experience was bad because as the place burnt, I was still inside and I even burnt some of my hair. As it is the windows are cracked and the glass door cannot close properly since the fire. You cannot even wash these windows because you fear they might break,” said Gouws.

She said she feels vulnerable more than ever and that she fears for her safety as the place is said to have a high crime rate.

Her main supply of water is the dripping pipe in her bathroom.

“Two days after the incident I got soup, bread and a two-plate stove. People broke into my place and came in through the broken window and took my safety gate key, my bread and the stove. They robbed me off my belongings despite the terrible experience that I went through,” she said.

To assist with any form of donations, contact Tracey Groenewald on 065 277 3945.

The devastated Jenny Gouws recalling the night of the incident.

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