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Let’s all ‘bee’ heroes – World Bee Day

Some tips to ensure that what you create, attracts these busy little guys...like bees to honey.

World Bee Day is taking place on May 20, an important day that raises awareness around our declining bee population, and recognises how integral these pollinating powerhouses are to our planet’s sustainability.

Candide, the free community gardening app that connects gardeners, is making a big buzz on the day by launching #PolliNationSA, a 10-month campaign that runs until March 2021.

It aims to recruit a minimum of 100 000 South Africans to become bona fide bee protectors.

How? It’s as easy as A-Bee-C. All one needs is the Candide app and a pollinator-friendly plant.

“There’s no underestimating the importance of having a healthy bee population,” explained Candide market lead Shani Krige.

“At Candide we’re devoted to helping gardeners create nurturing spaces in all shapes and forms, so it makes sense that we ensure our beloved bees are part of this mix.”

It’s an indisputable fact: we need bees to survive. They pollinate more than a third of all our food crops (that’s one in three mouthfuls) and around 90 per cent of wild flowers.

“That apple a day, those carrots and cucumbers, garlic, grapes, olives, onions, strawberries, watermelons and nuts…they’d all be gone, along with many more daily dietary items if our bees disappeared,” said Krige.

One of the first supporters to come on board for the #PollinationSA movement is Johannesburg Botanical Garden.
According to curator Sandra Viljoen, supporting the #PolliNationSA movement was a no-brainer as they have lots of flowers in their gardens that attract bees.

“We understand the importance of these little creatures, so we don’t kill bees that visit our gardens,” said Viljoen.

“We have beekeepers who install boxes in our gardens and then relocate the bees. We also use organic pesticides rather than chemicals to protect the environment and reduce the negative impact on inserts.”

The #PolliNationSA campaign really is for everybody and getting involved couldn’t be simpler. Here’s how easy it is:
If you’re not already part of the Candide community, download the free Candide app, available on the Apple Store and Google Play Store.

Snap a pic of a bee-friendly plant that you’re growing in your garden, on your stoep, windowsill or balcony. Bee-friendly plants and flowers include aloe, vygies, clivia, daisies, protea and rosemary.

Candide’s has loads of information on pollinator-friendly plants – you may also want to consider more than one plant to ensure there’s something in bloom for the bees throughout the year. Share the pic on the Candide app using the hashtag #PolliNationSA.
Once posted, you’ll receive a #PolliNationSA icon that will be added to your Candide profile pic confirming your pollinator status. You’ll also automatically be added to the campaign’s countrywide map depicting the spread and reach of this growing movement.

“The more people we get involved, the more bee-friendly spaces we create,” said Krige.

To assist you, here are some tips to ensure that what you create attracts these busy little guys…like bees to honey.

Plan Bee

• Bee diverse. Plant as many different flowering herbs, plants, shrubs and trees as possible.
• Bee creative. Make your own bee hotel. Find the simple steps on how to build one on the Candide app, then hang your hotel on a sunny wall, sheltered from rain.
• Bee careful. Avoid using insecticides, pesticides and chemicals that are toxic to bees and leave some garden areas wild.
• Bee aware. Know your weeds and make sure you don’t get rid of the ones that are great sources of pollen and nectar.
• Bee sensitive. Don’t swot the swarm, rather contact an eco-conscious beekeeper to relocate them to a safe home.
• Bee kind. Look out for and protect natural bee habitats.
• Bee supportive and buy local honey.
• Bee social. Consult the Candide app for more advice and to share your own findings.
• Bee vocal. Spread the word!

Bee in the know

• Bees collect and transfer male pollen to female plant parts so that plants can reproduce, thrive and multiply.
• Around one third of all the food we eat depends on bees for pollination.
• Bee products are beeswax and honey.
• There are approximately 20 000 different bee species worldwide.
• In South Africa, the two main species are the Cape honey bee (Apis mellifera capensis) and the African bee (Apis mellifera scutellata).
• Modern industrial agriculture, chemical pesticides, mono-cropping, habitat loss, disease and climate change have had a massive impact on bee numbers around the world.

For more information visit www.candide.co.za, send an email to hello@candide.co.za, follow Candide on Instagram @candideappza and like them on Facebook @candideappza and Twitter @Candide_ZA

Bees pollinate more than a third of all our food crops (that?s one in three mouthfuls) and around 90 per cent of wild flowers.

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