Substation menace to Bellavista residents

A resident, who requested his name not to be mentioned, said, “This station incubates whoonga addicts and residents use it to dump their garbage and it is now becoming a health hazard.

RESIDENTS of Alex du Toit Drive in Bellavista are concerned about the electrical substation that has turned into a dump site and smoking zone for some residents.

A resident, who requested his name not to be mentioned, said, “This station incubates whoonga addicts and residents use it to dump their garbage and it is now becoming a health hazard.

“Police now and again do come and chase away people who are smoking there. Even our children are not safe because they might get injured while playing there.

“Some time back we had problems with an electricity blackout and if this situation continues we may experience another blackout again,” said the resident.

Residents told the COURIER there used to be a security guard who looked after the station but they don’t know what happened to him. The house has been troubling the residents since 2014. Residents would appreciate it if someone can be assigned to guard the place.

Ward 55 councillor Rashieda Landis told COURIER that residents are the ones that allow illegal dumping and the drug zone to take place.

“I have been to the place and some residents closed that place some time back. I plead with residents to be vigilant around their surroundings and keep their area clean of crime.”

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