Pedestrian bridge in Chrisville poses danger to residents

Councillor Rashida Landis said this bridge is not safe because criminals hide there to rob residents.

WHAT was meant to benefit residents has become a vantage point for criminals.

Residents who make use of the pedestrian bridge in Crestville now fear for their lives as now and again people get robbed, mugged, beaten and threatened when they cross the bridge – they now call it the ‘Walk of Death’.

The bridge separates Crestville and Bellavista.

Residents fear for school learners as they are the ones using the bridge most. Some residents are now taking a longer route to avoid the bridge. In the past five years resident claim that there was not much robbery or mugging of residents as residents always kept an eye out for any suspicious movements.

A resident who always uses the bridge told COURIER that without this bridge they were forced to take the long route in order to get to neighbouring suburbs.

Councillor Roshida Landis said this bridge is not safe because criminals hide there to rob residents.

“The bridge was built for safety reasons. We had lost lives as the people crossed the freeway, therefore, the bridge was built to defuse that. Our people are not safe crossing there because it has become a crime hot spot. We need the community and SAPS to be vigilant especially in early hours of the morning when residents cross there,” said Landis.

Booysen SAPS couldn’t be reached for comment.


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