Speed humps application for Boundary Lane declined again

“Orpen Road is classified as a high mobility and public transport route. Being a transport route, JRA is prohibited from putting or erecting speed humps on this road in accordance with the City of Johannesburg Traffic Calming Policy.”

FOLLOWING an accident on the corner of Boundary Lane/ Orpen Road, corner Satara Road, Eastcliffe on Monday morning, July 2 at about 7.20am, and after speaking to one of the doctors at the Eastcliffe Medical Centre, Dr Boscia told the Comaro CHRONICLE they had put in an application to JRA (Johannesburg Roads Agency) requesting for calming measures on Boundary Lane/Orpen Road, at the intersection of Satara Road, where their doctor’s rooms are, and it was once again declined.

“We have asked for calming measures previously and they were refused. Motorists who drive on Boundary Lane which runs into Orpen Road, mostly speed well over the 60km/h limit. There have been other accidents at the intersection with Satara Road and motorists trying to drive out onto Boundary Lane put their lives at risk all the time. There’s a blind bend and motorists can’t see how fast other motorists are driving.

“There will be a fatal accident at this intersection if something isn’t done to slow traffic down. This is a very busy road with businesses all along it, as well as ours and other medical rooms. We really need traffic lights here,” added Boscia.

The Comaro CHRONICLE asked for comment from Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA) about the likelihood of speed humps being erected on the road.

According to Zoleka Jika (JRA operations manager: marketing and communication) on behalf of their traffic engineering department, “As per the City of Johannesburg Policy for the implementation of speed humps, speed humps cannot be considered on roads with gradients in excess of six per cent or on class four high order mobility roads or roads used as public transport routes.

“Orpen Road is classified as a high mobility and public transport route. Being a transport route, JRA is prohibited from putting or erecting speed humps on this road in accordance with the City of Johannesburg Traffic Calming Policy. Traffic calming can be in the form of speed law enforcement along these roads. Speeding relates to driver behaviour and must be referred to Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD) for stringent law enforcement at strategic locations along Orpen Road.”

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More information will be welcome

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