How to kick-start a savings regime

Savings will provide economic freedom. With just a bit of patience, planning and focus savings can be the means to getting what you want.

WITH modern lifestyles, there is so much to do and to pay for. With just a bit of planning, anticipation and patience the future can be everything imagined and more. According to Mark Hawes, certified financial planner at Alexander Forbes Financial Planning Consultants you can do this without paying interest.

Here are some tips to get you where you want to be:

1. Start saving as soon as you can

Today’s savings mean extra money to spend tomorrow. Savings gives you extra income in the future to be able to do and have more. If done effectively, you would be able to pay for the things you want in cash without having to use your salary.

2. Don’t be afraid to start small – but start!

Get started and use the money and income that you have. While R100 may not seem like much now, as you keep adding so your wealth grows. It should go without saying that the more you save the quicker you will be able to buy what you want. Before you know it, you can pay cash for that holiday you have been dreaming of.

3. Budget

The objective is first to know where your money is going and what you are spending it on every month. Add up how much money is coming in and how much you are spending every month. What is left over is what you should be saving towards your goals.

4. Emergency savings first

If you have the money it’s not the end of the world but if you don’t it can leave you feeling desperate. It is always a good idea to put money aside for unplanned events – both good and bad. This could be car maintenance or an unexpected holiday opportunity. Your emergency savings is the secret to getting everything else you want. With savings, you don’t have to dip into debt or your savings that you were looking to spend on upgrading your car as an example.

5. Be realistic

When buying a car, if you are just starting out in your career, it is best to be practical and look for a reliable car that is economical and doesn’t cost to maintain. It would be great if your first car is a luxury German vehicle, however, if you can’t afford it, it would be more trouble than it is worth. In time, with savings, you would be able to purchase your car cash if you were diligent, or at least, put down a large deposit to reduce your monthly payments and pay it off faster. The same logic goes for almost every big item such as purchasing the latest smart phone or your first property.

6. Become familiar with investment assets

If a money-making opportunity sounds too good to be true it probably is. There are many options out there to choose from and many different institutions that offer savings and investments in all different wrappers. The trick is to use the best and most appropriate product for your objectives. It is therefore always a good idea to speak to a good financial adviser to assist you with life stage appropriate advice.

7. Don’t break the bank. Stick to your plan

It is said that luck is where opportunity and preparation meet. It may happen that you get that job you were hoping for but were not able to go on the holiday you were saving towards. Keep the funds safe for your future planned holiday. The opportunity will come around again and you will be able to pay cash for it. Your emergency savings are the keystone to the rest of your plans.

Alexander Forbes Financial Planning Consultants (Pty) Ltd is a licensed financial services provider. The information provided in the article is not advice, as defined in the FAIS Act.


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