Winter blanket drive for animals

“On behalf of the many cats and dogs, thank you for your donations of dog beds, food bowls, collars, blankets and food. Your donations allow the SPCA to continue its mission for the prevention of cruelty to animals."

ASPEN Nature Estate has, over the years, supported various charities and jumped at the opportunity to assist Pam Golding with their winter drive for the SPCA.

Pam Golding and Aspen Nature Estate had the animals at the SPCA (Booysens and Alberton) in mind when they decided to run a winter drive from April 1 to May 31. They received a very generous amount of donations!

“On behalf of the many cats and dogs, thank you for your donations of dog beds, food bowls, collars, blankets and food. Your donations allow the SPCA to continue its mission for the prevention of cruelty to animals. There are thousands of animals that need rescuing and we hope that you will consider giving again in the future.

We really appreciate the support we receive from the local community and the generous donations companies such as Pam Golding give us,” said Kingstone Siziba, Manager and Senior Inspector at Alberton SPCA. “The SPCA does not receive any government funding and without the support we receive, we would have to close our doors. Although we utilise donations for our own kennels, we do share when we have our outreach day and try to assist those who are less fortunate,” he added.

A GIVING COMMUNITY: Some of the food and blankets that were donated.

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