Armed robbery at school

According to the principal of the school, Mr Gerhard Potgieter, the armed robbery and assault was captured on the school’s CCTV system.

AN armed robbery took place inside Laerskool Dalmondeor Primary School’s car park on Thursday, August 25.

Information received from ER24 said it was an attempted hijacking.

According to the principal of the school, Gerhard Potgieter, the armed robbery and assault was captured on the school’s CCTV system.

“Parents of a child, who doesn’t attend our school but attends extra maths classes here, were followed from a bank in the south of Johannesburg, after they had withdrawn money. They drove into the car park, waiting for their child,” he said.

“It can be seen clearly from our CCTV cameras that a white car (Polo) was following them. As the parents’ car turned into the car park, the white Polo carried on driving past the school gates and, a few seconds later, turned around and followed the car into our car park.

“Three armed men pulled the one parent from the driver’s seat and began hitting him with their weapons, over his head and to his body. The man collapsed on the paving, bleeding badly.

”They then opened the boot of the car and took out a bag containing the money, as well as taking a wallet.

”Our security guard ran to intervene and the armed men jumped into the Polo and sped off. The injured man’s wife, seconds later, ran to his aid.

“Thank God we’ve recently jacked up security at the front of the school and have had a waiting station erected, keeping the learners from running out into the car park when their lifts arrive.

”Otherwise it could easily have been a disaster, with learners running between parked cars in the car park and a child could have been hurt.

“Ten out of 10 to our security guard for intervening, but afterwards we told him he shouldn’t have put his life on the line as, the suspects were armed.”

The injured man was treated in the car park by ER24 paramedics, before being transported to hospital.

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