Breakfast at Aspen Hills

The delicious breakfast, high tea style, gave the event a flourishing finishing touch and was provided by CaterDeli.

THE community of Aspen Hills holds an annual Women’s Day breakfast, with this year’s theme being ‘Breast Cancer Awareness’.

Guest speakers gave motivational talks and the women were serenaded by Jacques Lagesse with smooth romantic tunes. The delicious breakfast, high tea style, gave the event a flourishing finishing touch and was provided by CaterDeli. Afterwards, guests took to the patio where they shopped and spoke to experts on all goodies related to women.

“Thank you to Pam Golding for the champagne and orange juice, Sinzinani Spa for vouchers, all our speakers and stall owners, as well as our resident, Kevin Boshoff from Besnapped, for always joining us at our events and taking beautiful photos,” said Andrea Scott, PRO for Aspen Hills.

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