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Surprise Freedom Day proposal on Lusito Land stage

“He had always promised a memorable proposal”

AS thousands flocked to one of Johannesburg’s biggest music festivals on Freedom Day, consultant at a medical aid company, Shahnaaz August (Nina), was left overwhelmed after being called onto the Lusito Land stage by musician and entertainer Bongi Mtombeni.

The 28-year-old did not foresee the surprise that her boyfriend, Heinrich Christof Pretorius (21), had waiting for her on Freedom Day. Also a consultant at a medical aid company, Heinrich made sure he was ready to wait for her on bended knee on the Lusito Land stage and present to her a ring in a surprise proposal.

As Mtombeni entertained the dancing crowd he called to stage the “gentleman in the red t-shirt who looked in love with his girlfriend”. Heinrich made his way to the stage as instructed by Mtombeni and accompanied by his soon to be other half. Oblivious to what was about to happen, Nina thought she was the victim of a prank on Mtombeni’s behalf until the love of her life got down on bended knee and asked her to share the rest of her life with him.

As tears filled her eyes and without a second of hesitation, Nina accepted Heinrich’s proposal and wrapped her arms around her fiancé as the crowd cheered and captured this heartfelt moment.

“The love and support has been tremendous, from the moment Nina said yes! As we walked off the stage there were so many words of congratulations and love from family, friends and complete strangers and this made us realise that we were not making the wrong choice,” said Heinrich.

The two medical consultants have known each other since January after Heinrich started as a medical student at the college Nina was a lecturer at.

“I was in the office which overlooked the recreational area where the students hung out and I saw Heinrich. I could not take my eyes off him and would often catch myself staring at him, secretly, of course,” chuckled Nina, “It was not long until I had to teach his class and, boy, did I have a crush,” she said.

It was only after Heinrich graduated that the two started chatting on a personal basis, went on their first date and “the rest is history”.

Growing up in Melville, Nina has always been shy in front of people and said she expected the proposal to be less public. She added that Lusito Land has always been a part of her life as she has a Portuguese family.

“I had told him about when I started out in the Emergency Medical Services and was on standby at Lusito Land in 2009. Since then I developed a bond with the organisers and the policemen and -women at the festival. On my 21st birthday the police and organisers arranged for me to go on stage and had all those at Lusito Land sing happy birthday to me and dance to the Macarena. Heinrich had a sparkle of madness and decided just before Bongi’s performance to speak to the organisers to propose to me on stage,” said the breathless bride-to-be.

Growing up in Pretoria and having a German background, Heinrich said it was his first time at Lusito Land, he loved the Portuguese culture and was keen on attending.

“I was in Germany for most of 2014 and when I returned from Germany, it seemed like a good idea to study towards becoming a paramedic. Who knew that decision would lead me to the love of my life?” he said.

The inseparable couple confirmed that plans are afoot for their wedding that they plan on having before the end of 2017.

“The proposal could not have been more special. Sometimes we catch ourselves watching the video that Heinrich’s mother filmed from the crowd and the reaction of the crowd was so amazing, to have so many people so happy about the proposal is so special. Love is definitely something to be celebrated,” said Nina.

The couple thanks the Lusito Land organisers for allowing them to make so many special memories and said this just put the cherry on top.

“We definitely will be celebrating plenty of joyous occasions together for a very long time to come!” they said.

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