Beloved resident dies

Kibler Park Fire Station commander passes away.

Allan Barker, the station commander at Kibler Park Fire Station, passed away on Monday May 2, in the Union Hospital.

Allan (38) had been unwell since the middle of last year and after him and his partner, Suné welcomed their first child, Reandré, who was born in October, he gradually became worse.

“Alan suffered from diabetes and last year after his father passed away in August, he fell quite ill. Our son was born in October and not long after Allan was admitted into hospital, fell into a coma and was fighting for his life. By December he was seemed much better again and was discharged from hospital,” said Suné.

In January this year Allan was complaining of lower back pain and underwent surgery for a hiatus hernia in March. “At first he was in a general ward but as he deteriorated he was admitted to high care and then went into the Intensive Care Unit. Eventually he was on a ventilator and moved to isolation.

“On Monday morning while I was with him I could hear he wasn’t breathing as he should. The nursing staff came into to bathe him and I left thinking I’d see him again at 16:00, at visiting hour. This wasn’t to be and 10 minutes after I’d left the hospital, I received a phone call to tell me the awful news, Allan had passed away. I can’t believe he’s gone,” said an emotional Suné.

Allan, Suné and Reandré lived in Meyersdal and he played an active part in the community and was always willing to go the extra mile in his work.

“Allan was always available if I wanted him to assist me with a community project,” added Sarah Wissler (Glenvista and New South Residents Association). “He brought lots of joy to the children at Love of Christ Ministries on Mandela Day when we visited the home, as well as the children at Jackson Informal settlement. Last year’s Halloween evening he brought a fire engine to one of the suburbs in Glenvista, where we were having a Halloween street party and he allowed the children to climb aboard and set off the siren. They all had tremendous fun.”

Allan was also involved in assisting Sarah in the drug march in Rosettenville last year in March. “He was a wonderful, caring and compassionate man and he will be sorely missed by all in our community who knew him. We send our sincere condolences to Suné and the family,” added Sarah.

“I’d like to thank all his colleagues at the fire station for their support and family and friends for being here for me and Reandré. It still doesn’t feel real that he’s gone. He was such a proud and passionate person, so very special,” Suné said.

He leaves his loving Suné, precious son Reandré, and his family and friends.

The funeral service for Allan will take place on Monday, May 9 at 11:00 at Alberton Lewensentrum,  Meyersdal.


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