
New remedial school in the pipeline

Carla remains positive it could open as a high school in 2017.

A NEW tutor centre recently opened in The Broads, Glenvista. The centre, Heron Academy, is not a school but a place where children can attend extra lessons at different times of the day.

“Many of the children who come here for extra tutoring are from remedial schools, but not all of them. The children from mainstream education can come for extra lessons during an afternoon and we follow the Impak Curriculum (home schooling system),” said Carla van der Walt, owner of Heron Academy.

With high hopes the GDE will register Heron Academy as a high school and Carla remains positive that it could open as such in 2017. “A high school for children with remedial problems is needed in the area and could become a real asset for the South,” she added.

Visited by Khume Ramulifho (DA MPL) and Sarah Wissler (Glenvista and New South Residents Association), the two remarked on how important it is for another school in the South which will assist with remedial children.

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