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Learners celebrate school’s birthday with love

Calvary Christian College learners recently celebrated love in action.

HUNDREDS of learners, supported by their parents and the staff of Calvary Christian College in Alan Manor, chose to celebrate the school’s 30th birthday by taking action to benefit those in need, on Friday, February 13.

Learners and parents brought small hand creams to be donated to the seniors residing at the local old age home, to teach the children to love their elders and always be supportive and caring from an early age.

The school held an assembly on Friday morning from 10:30 to 11:30 and celebrated the love of Jesus Christ. Here, parents and learners from the primary and the secondary school danced and sang songs in a very impressive way and left the guest preacher, Connor Lawther, from the 24/7 Church in Northriding, speechless.

“It is important to see children from an early age allow the gospel to transform their lives. I have been to so many worships but I have never seen parents and children energetic like this,” Connor told the COURIER.

The Grade 12 learners held their fund-raising event on the same day prior to joining the rest of the learners, who were assembled in a number 30 formation, to release balloons into the sky.

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