Winchster Hills residents  gatvol

Residents in and around Maluti Street, in Winchester Hills have now had enough and were once again without water during Friday night and Saturday morning after the water pipe in Maluti Street burst again.

WINCHESTER HILLS –  This will be the ninth burst since late last November and as the residents say, “We appreciate Joburg water for fixing the burst every time but this is now way beyond a joke!  We never know if we’ll be without water and can’t plan our lives at all. Again this morning, Saturday February 13, we woke up to no water and not being able to bath, have coffee, etc.”

“We can’t live like this any more,” say residents.

Michelle Pelser, CPF Mondeor Sector 2 member, said, ”My husband reported the burst on Saturday morning at 04:45 to Joburg Water, along with many other residents who also reported it.”

A team was sent out on Saturday from Joburg Water and once more the road has been dug up to fix the leak. “The road has more patches than a patchwork quilt,” one resident added.

As drought stricken areas continue to be without water, thousands of litres of water are going to waste in Winchester Hills.

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