Ashrama celebrations open to the public

Officials and devotees of the Ashrama are inviting the public to attend the celebrations.

JOHANNESBURG SOUTH – Sri Ramjee Bhajan Mandal of Lenasia is set to attend the Swami Sivananda Jayanti which is one of India’s towering spiritual luminaries, Param Pujya Satguru Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj at Winchester Hills on September 13.

The August birth celebrations of the saint and founder of the Divine Life Society will take place at the new premises of the Sri Adi Shankara Ashrama at 39 Frangipani Street from 10:00 to 13:00.

“Sri Swami Sivananda and his divine advent into this world on September 8, 1887, has given modern man a new vision and dimension on life through his sublime teachings found in the vast repertoire of literature that he has written on all aspects of yoga, health and spirituality. This particular Jayanti celebration marks the first at our new centre in the South of Johannesburg and we are indeed honoured to have our very own Sri Ramjee Bhajan Mandal to sanctify our new premises on such an august occasion with their mellifluous rendition of Bhajans and Kirtans,” said trustee of the centre, Sri Swami Shivashankarananda.

Officials and devotees of the Ashrama are inviting the public to attend the Ashrama celebrations.

For more information about the Sivananda Jayanti celebrations as well as the other regular activities of the Ashrama contact the centre on 011 433 2940.

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