Ashrama prepars for Deepavali hamper drive

This Festival of Lights outreach project in the form of the distribution of 250 grocery hamper parcels to the value of R500 per hamper.

JOHANNESBURG SOUTH – The Sri Adi Shankara Ashrama in Winchester Hills is bracing itself for its 27th Annual Deepavali Grocery Hamper Drive which is held over a period of time, commencing from August to November.

This Festival of Lights outreach project involves the distribution of 250 grocery hampers to the value of R500 per hamper. The aim is focused on bringing relief to the lives of disadvantaged families in the community due to socioeconomic circumstances and various other factors which render it impossible for them to celebrate the holy festival.

Chairperson of the Ashrama’s executive committee, Dr Amratlal Patel, said: “Swami Sivananda Saraswathi, the founding president of the Divine Life Society, who is hailed as one of the towering Spiritual Masters of Bharata Varsha, has written tombs of spiritual literature eulogising charity as one of the most important tenets of Hindu Dharma. It is due to this inspiration of Holy Master that the Ashrama’s officials and devotees have decided to continue serving the needs of the poor, afflicted and destitute, in spite of the Ashrama’s recent horrific experience resulting in its re-location to Winchester Hills.

“Whilst the spiritual activities continue unabatedly, the humanitarian outreach projects such as the food distribution programme, winter warm blanket distribution project and the Deepavali Grocery Hamper Drive also continues side by side with even greater gusto.” The Ashrama is appealing to all its sponsors, donors and well-wishers to continue supporting its various projects in the same manner as it has done for the past 32 years of its existence.

For more information about the Deepavali Grocery Hamper Drive and the regular activities of the Ashrama, contact Swami Shivashankarananda or Swami Shraddhananda Mataji on 011 433 2940, Dr Amrat Patel on 011 852 6249 or email

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