
Couple hit back at robbers

Three suspects didn’t get what they bargained for when they went to a home in Kibler Park to rob it.

KIBLER PARK – The owners of the home, Constable Mpho and Captain Thandi Mejelo had arrived home earlier than usual on Wednesday August 12, at 14:00 and instead of parking their car in the drive, parked in the garage.

“It was 14:30 when our dog began to bark and we heard noises in the yard,” they said. When they looked out of the bedroom window, they saw a Golf reversing into their front garden, over the lawn, and up to the front door and Thandi’s husband said, “It looks like we have visitors!”

“Two other men were derailing the gate and we knew our security gate at the front was open, although the front door was shut and locked. I stood by the bedroom window, watching what was taking place and sent a message on the chat line to CPF Sector 3 for assistance, while Mpho went into the lounge. We heard one of the robbers at the back sliding door, which he couldn’t open. The next minute the front door was kicked in and one of the robbers shouted, ‘where’s the safe and the money’ and pointed his firearm at my husband,” said Thando.

Mpho shot back at one of the suspects, hitting him in the gentials, and Thandi took aim through the bedroom window. “Immediately the robber who was stood by the Golf, which was still idling, jumped into the driver’s seat and sped off out of our garden, leaving his two friends behind, who then tried to make a run for it.

“By then SOS Security was on the scene and took chase after the two robbers, although the one who was shot had doubled back and was hiding behind our garage.”

The driver of the Golf drove as far as Peggy Vera Road, lost control of the vehicle and hit the pavement. He ran towards the golf course with the other suspect and then back in to Paul Street, where they were caught.

Mondeor SAPS, JMPD, SOS, War and D&D security companies were all on the scene within a short time.

Five minutes later the two of couple’s four children arrived home from school, shocked to see all the activity around their home.

The suspect who was injured was taken to Baragwanath Hospital, while the other two were arrested and taken to Mondeor Police Station and had their first court appearance on Friday August 14. One of the suspects has previous convictions against him.

“We think they probably got a bigger fright than we did, when they realised we were at home,” added Thandi and Mpho. “This is the second such incident since we moved into Kibler Park, but we are staying put!”




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