Safety and security at home

Domestic Watch August meeting, which was held at Sasol garage, Columbine Avenue, Suideroord, concentrated on advising domestic workers about safety and security in the home.

SUIDEROORD – Martin Barber who gave the lesson spoke about how important it is for domestic workers to carry a panic button if the owners have a security company, so as soon as they sense danger they can alert for help.

“Please, don’t let just anyone onto the property or into the house. There are still people out there who say they are from City Power or other services, who demand entry into the home you are taking care of and insist you let them in. Don’t. Check with the homeowner first.

“Townhouses are being targeted again. Don’t be complacent if you work for someone who has a townhouse. Don’t leave doors unlocked while you are working inside the house or if you have to hang out washing at a community wash line. Lock the doors and take the keys with you,” added Barber.

Michelle Pelser, Domestic Watch coordinator, said, “Make sure you lock all the doors, even when you are inside the house. Don’t let criminals take advantage of your negligence.”



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