Children no longer safe on school holidays

Urgent protection needed: Issue of missing children, child trafficking and children protection comes into focus

THE topic for Domestic Watch in June will be child trafficking, missing children and child protection.

Domestic Watch Founder, Penny Steyn said, “With the mid-year school holidays looming I believe this is a very important topic. This is a very comprehensive lesson that doesn’t only apply to children up to age 18, it can and is affecting young adults of all nationalities that reside in our rainbow nation.  I worry terribly about children becoming victims of crime, we all should! The criminals that specialise in this crime are doing more damage than any one person can ever recover from. Frankly no child or even young adult is safe!”

Guest Speaker who will be attending at some meetings in Johannesburg will be the Teddy Bear Clinic’s Project Manager, Elizabeth Steenkamp is a highly skilled and knowledgeable lady, she or one of her staff members will attend if possible to add extraordinary insights into all aspects of “Guidelines and Procedures Dealing with Child Abuse”.

The Domestic workers play a very important role within their family of employment and are often confronted with the unrevealed facts that a parent might miss, they could see signs or actual secret facts that a child could be hiding therefore the information will empower them and guide them in their approach.

“Thank you to all who receive this for forwarding to your community and encouraging more good people to see the merit in empowering, educating and motivating their staff to be an integral part of the solution to our crime challenge,” concluded Steyn.

Lookout for the July meeting in Kibler Park on July 8 at 10:00 at the Klipriver Recreation Club on Peggy Vera Road and for the meeting in Suideroord at Sasol Garage on July 7.

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