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Good Samaritans wanted: No one should live like this homeless man

Living in squaller in his old age, this homeless elderly man doesn't even know his own age

KIBLER PARK – An elderly man was dealt an unfortunate hand early in life when he found himself homeless in Kibler Park and without his family.

The confused man told a CHRONICLE reporter that he has been homeless and squatting at Rietvlei before Kibler Park came into existence.

His name is Peter Zwane but sometimes he refers to himself as Peter Tshabalala. He appears to be between the ages of 50 and 60 years old and doesn’t know where his family is. He is known in the neighbourhood as ‘the weed-eater’ because everyday he cleans the weeds from peoples gardens in exchange for a plate of food.

A concerned domestic worker, Matilda Mnduzukwana, contacted the newspaper in the hope of getting help for this man.

“I’ve known this man since 1997, when I came to work here in Kibler Park, and he was homeless even then. He wakes up very early and goes to people’s houses, cleaning weeds for food. He’s been staying here at Rapson Lane, at this abandoned house, but his living conditions are so bad. He stays outside in a shack made with sheets of plastic, built for him by squatters, but it smells because rain comes in and wets everything inside,” said a visibly heartbroken Matilda.

“This man is very sick and can barely walk due to painful feet. His belongings get wet and smell musty because he has no proper cover other than the plastic. He is unable to keep himself clean as he has no ablution facilities at all. Winter is almost upon us and this poor old man desperately needs help,” said Matilda.

With the assistance of her employer, Matilda reached out and managed to source some help from the SAPS, Salvation Army and the local PR councillor representative, Peter Stewart. However, they are still looking for more help for Peter.

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