Gang target Glenvista and Bassonia

Mondeor SAPS has confirmed that there have been two incidents where three men, armed with hand guns, have broken into homes

GLENVISTA – According to a post on the Glenvista Five Residents Association’s Facebook page, there is a gang of three suspects operating in the Glenvista and Bassonia areas.

The post explains that the gang consists of three men who wear balaclavas and are armed with hand guns.

Constable Elizabeth Mnguni from Mondeor SAPS has confirmed that there have been two incidents where three men, armed with hand guns, have broken into homes.

The first incident took place in Johannes Meyer Street, in Bassonia, and the second took place in Vista Drive, in Glenvista.

Const Mnguni explained that these two incidents have similarities in terms of the number of suspects and the times which they operate, but she has not confirmed if these two cases are directly linked.

Sarah Wissler, who posted the update on the Glenvista Five Residents Association’s Facebook page, urges residents to make sure that all their security measures are in working order.

“Please make sure your alarm, beams or electric fences are in working order. Activate your alarm at night,” said Wissler.

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