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People’s march against xenophobia

Images of violence circulated in the media prompted a march against attacks on African foreign nationals

JOHANNESBURG SOUTH – Residents from all parts of Johannesburg came together to March against the ongoing violent attacks on foreigners in the city and in other parts of the country on April 23.

“The People’s March against Xenophobia is an emergency coalition convened to confront the horrors of xenophobia in South Africa, taking a stand to denounce the violence and embrace unity,” said Carien Els of The Principality.

The protest against the recent scourge of xenophobia started at the Pieter Roos Park in Hillbrow and marchers made their way to Mary Fitzgerald Square in Newtown.

Else added: “The attacks against foreigners in KwaZulu Natal, Johannesburg and other parts of our country are shameful. If we close our eyes or turn away, we bring shame on ourselves. The attacks present South Africans to the world as a barbaric, violent and murderous nation. We are not. Our march will show another South Africa to ourselves and the world.”

The coalition includes the following: the Africa Diaspora Forum, CoRMSA, faith-based organisations, major social movements such as Treatment Action Campaign, Equal Education, and Awethu, seven trade unions – FAWU, UMSA, SACCAWU, SAFPU, SASAWU, CWU, PAWUSA – with more to follow; as well as the organisations SECTION27, Corruption Watch and Doctors Without Borders/MSF.

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