Burst pipe floods residents home in Kibler Park

Gallons of water wasted as repairs on burst pipe are delayed.

KIBLER PARK – Burst pipes are quickly becoming a costly issue in Kibler Park, especially on Stamford Road.

On April 25, a burst pipe resulted not only in certain parts of the street being flooded with water but also some of the homes.

The damaged pipe is not the first to burst on Stamford Road according to a resident, who revealed that on corner Stamford and Peggy Vera Road, another water pipe had burst on April 24.

Residents meanwhile have been left without water while Joburg Water delays on fixing the issue.

Clr PR representative, Peter Stewart said he has since this morning been in communication with Joburg Water Depot Manager, Mark Kruger trying to find out exactly when the burst pipes would be fixed and water restored in the suburb.

More information to follow.

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