Guest speakers rock the garden club

In the space of four days, Johannesburg South Garden Club members were treated to two exceptional speakers who spoke about their interests and passions.

KIBLER PARK – On Saturday February 21, Judd Kirkel Welwitch spoke about English gardens and the history of the Chelsea Flower Show.

To add interest to his talk he showed video clippings of some of the beautiful gardens in England which had the members oohing and aahing! Some of the gardens he mentioned were Hampton Court Palace, Windsor woodland garden, Scotney Castle Gardens, Bodnant Garden and Exbury House, built by the Rothschild family, and the famous Exbury Gardens.

On Tuesday February 24 the garden club members met again and heard Jacques Damhuis explain how easy it is to grow vegetables and salad ingredients.

He explained how the benefits of growing your own outweigh those of buying from the shops. “Every fruit and vegetable you grow has eight natural sugars. Once picked, packed and transported to the shops six of the natural sugars have been lost.

“You don’t have to own a big garden to grow vegetables and salad produce. You can grow produce in pots, on a balcony or use window boxes for herbs.

“Potato planters are very popular and you will get a good crop if directions are followed correctly. Also hanging tomato planters will give you plenty of tasty tomatoes.”

Jacques also spoke about recycling waste produce, how important earth worms are and how a Bokashi container works.

Wendy Winter, Maud Pickup, Jacques Damhuis and Fathima Badat.

Both talks were very well received with members learning a new thing or two after which delicious teas were enjoyed.

If you are interested in joining the garden club and listening to engaging speakers, visiting nurseries and other interesting venues, phone Maud Pickup 011 435 0852, Fathima Badat 011 432 2628 or Rob Jones 082 049 9739.







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