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CAT addresses quick first aid

How do you administer first aid without a first kit?

GLENVISTA – This was addressed at the Community Awareness Training (CAT) meeting on Tuesday February 10, which was held at New South Veterinary Clinic in Biggarsberg Road, Glenvista.

Sarah Wissler, coordinator and a member of Glenvista 5 Residents Association asked two members of ER24 to come along to the meeting and give a talk about first aid if you don’t have a first aid kit.

Rob Morley and Mauro Siccardi have been with ER24 for 11 years and before they spoke about first aid they reminded the members how important it is if they have phoned for an ambulance or the police, to tell the operator the address and closest landmark and what the emergency is. “Always make sure your house number is visible. Often EMS can’t find the place they have been called out to because the street number is too small or there isn’t one visible at all. Rob and Mauro spoke on how to treat a minor or major burn; how to assist a bleeding victim in the absence of an emergency service; what do if s person is bitten by a snake and in the case of electrocution, what to do.

Rob Marley, Sarah Wissler and Mauro Siccardi.
Rob Marley, Sarah Wissler and Mauro Siccardi.

The information given to the members was greatly received and members participated by asking questions.

A member from D&D Tactical spoke about the latest crime in the area and SAPS members from Mondeor and Moffatview attended the meeting.

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All the members received golf shirts which were sponsored by Aklin Carbide and Maxidor printed all the information sheets.

The next CAT meeting will take place on Tuesday march 10 at 12:00 at New South Veterinary Clinic. Pic 1





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