Repeated armed robberies drive Glenanda victim to emigrate

Immigration seems the only way to escape SA crime for victim of repeated armed robbery incidents at home.

GLENANDA – A young woman says the word fear doesn’t begin to describe the feeling that grips her every time she walks into her home.

The woman who has been terrorised repeatedly by criminals while she was home alone, says she no longer feels safe anywhere in the country. The fear for her life has led to a decision by her and her husband to make the biggest financial sacrifice of their lives and leave South Africa for safer lands.

This was after brazen criminals returned a second time on January 29 to carry out the same mission as the previous time they attacked her. Only the second time around, the men who were each armed with a firearm had brought along two more accomplices to terrorise the vulnerable woman.

Less than a month later, after three of the suspects ransacked the woman’s home stealing every valuable in sight, they came back as a group of five men.

“I looked out my window and saw that five men had derailed my gate. I then managed to lock myself in using a slam gate. I pressed my panic buttons and called Glenvista (Community Policing) forum. In the meantime they made it into my house, but were unable to get to my part of the house. I called people who I thought could help me. Within five minutes (the) CPF was there with the armed response. But they (five suspects) had already left,” explained the victim.

According to the victim the suspects had information that was only available in a police report of the first armed robbery and housebreaking incident.

“There was some information given in my first statement that the criminals somehow knew the second time round and used that to get into my house,” she revealed.

When asked by Comaro CHRONICLE whether the woman suspected the robbers could have been the men who robbed her at gun point during the first incident, she responded: “Yes, I am very sure it was. The one wore the same outfit twice.”

The woman has stated that she strongly suspects that one police officer or more could be behind the attacks on her home, and that every day since the first incident she fears for her safety and her life.

She and her husband had been considering escaping the dangers of South African crime by immigrating to Canada. However, they have said that a decision on their next move had been made.

The CHRONICLE is awaiting a response from Mondeor SAPS, who has been sent a media enquiry, to respond about the victim’s suspicions. A response from SAPS can be expected after the docket has been reassessed for any clues.

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