Tips on how to stay safe at coastal holiday

In any emergency situation the most important thing to do is contact the correct emergency number.

BE absolutely vigilant where small children and older individuals are concerned. Keep a watchful eye on children at all times when around water.

* Swim at beaches where lifeguards are on duty and keep to the specifically demarcated areas designated for safe swimming. For your own safety swim in the areas closest to the lifeguards.

* Be mindful of warning signs that may indicate dangerous swimming conditions such as strong currents, sharks and other dangerous sea life as well as contaminated water.

* Please remember that swimming in the ocean, where there is wave action and at times dangerous currents and sea life, is very different from swimming in a pool.

* Young children and inexperienced swimmers should wear life jackets or swimming aids to ensure their safety.

* Be careful not to dive into water where you cannot see the bottom. It is particularly dangerous to dive into the water head first as you could very easily injure your neck.

* Check the weather report before going to the beach. Be careful of lightning in particular and do not enter the water until at least 30 minutes after the thunder and lightning has stopped.

* Steer clear of the ocean if you notice a choppy current with murky water.

* If you get pulled out to sea, stay calm and save your energy. Allow the current to carry you for a while, and then swim parallel to the shore until you are out of the current. If you cannot swim to the shore, float or tread water until you are safe from the rip current.

* Do not be ashamed to call for help if you are in trouble. Anyone, even the best swimmers, can run into difficulties at some or other time. It is important to signal for a lifeguard as soon as possible. The best way to do so when swimming in the ocean is to raise your arm as far out of the water as you can and to wave it around. The lifeguards will be with you as soon as they can. In the interim, stay calm and try to tread water, or if possible float on your back, until they reach you.

* Be mindful of the waves as they are great deal more powerful than you may think. Pay close attention to children and elderly people especially, as wave action can easily result in a loss of footing, even in shallow water.

* Stay sober at the beach as alcohol will not only impair your judgement, making you less careful, but it will also dehydrate you.

* Use sunscreen, wear a hat, use an umbrella or a tent for shade and cover yourself up during the hottest time of day, which is generally between 10:00 and 16:00.

* Do not make use of a flotation device such as an inflatable bed, boat, noodle and other items unless you can swim properly. If you do go boating, ensure that the boat is safe and that you are wearing a life jacket. Don’t go out so sea unless you have checked the weather conditions.

* When fishing be careful of walking on slippery rocks in case you lose your footing. Also be mindful of changing tides and rough seas that can knock you off the rocks.

In any emergency situation the most important thing to do is contact the correct emergency number immediately. Try and memorise the number for emergency services in your area. Keep the number saved on your cellphone and close to your landline telephone. In many cases, during the panic of a medical emergency, people cannot remember the correct number or cannot find where they have written it down. Otherwise contact Netcare 911 on the national number: 082 911.

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