Gang rob home in Mount Pellan Drive Bassonia

A gang, known as the White Jeep Gang, struck on Saturday July 26 at midday in Mount Pellan Drive, Bassonia.

BASSONIA – It’s believed the five suspects entered a home in Mount Pellan Drive by forcing the gate off its rail using a pickaxe. The suspects entered the home, stealing valuables.

Bruce Lennox from Glenvista Community Policing Forum said it seems to be the start of a new gang, “I’m certain they will strike again,” said Lennox.

Members of the CPF first spotted the gang on Tuesday July 22 when they stole a new TV which was being delivered to a home in Ferox Drive, Glenvista. “The gang seem to be operating during the day time,” added Lennox.

Two of the suspects wanted by police.

It’s not known whether the gang of men are armed but the vehicle registration plate is believed to be false.

From CCTV footage taken at both the Ferox and Mount Pellan drive incidents, the Jeep’s licence plate is either CBO1DBGP or CDO1DBGP. Police spokesperson, Warrant Officer Gordon Billing, refused to comment until the CPF could provide case numbers.

Residents are advised to be on the lookout for the white Jeep Compass. If you spot this vehicle, please phone 10111 or Mondeor Police Station 011 433 5400.


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